Friday 27 May 2011

UFO TV News Magazine Report:
OVNI no Ferreira do Alentejo (Testemunhos),
(UFO in Ferreira do Alentejo (Testimonies)), 1995
(Praça Pública, Sociedade Independente de Comunicação, Oeiras, Portugal)

This is a TV report regarding a UFO incident that occurred in Ferreira do Alentejo, Portugal on 14 August 1995:

I also reported on this UFO case on 19 April 2010:


UFO News Article:
“Kansas City reports high

number of orange lights, UFOs”,
25 May 2011 (, Denver, Colorado)

Missouri MUFON continues to report a high number of UFO cases, according to UFO Examiner Roger Marsh:

( image)