Friday 4 January 2013

U.S. Government UFO Document: 
“SUBJECT: Reporting of Information 
on Unconventional Aircraft”
by C. P. Cabell, Major General, 
USAF Director of Intelligence,
Office of Deputy Chief of Staff, Operations
12 January 1950
(United States Air Force, Washington, D.C.)
(Project Blue Book Archive)

The letter by Major General Charles P. Cabell was sent to the following persons: Commanding Generals, Major Air Commands, Z. I. and Overseas; All United States Air Attaches:

Quote from the document:
2. In the future any information obtained on this subject should be accorded the same consideration as that given to intelligence information on other subjects.


Cabell later became a full general.

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UFO News Article (Blog):
“And the world didn’t end, either …”
by Billy Cox, 28 December 2012
(De Void, Sarasota Herald-Tribune, Florida)

Billy Cox informs about General Charles P. Cabell’s UFO interest, among other things:

General Charles P. Cabell,
U.S. Air Force
( photo)
UFO Article (Blog):
“More Australian Government UAP files
found in the National Archives of Australia
by Keith Basterfield, 4 January 2013
(UFOs – scientific research, Campbelltown,
New South Wales, Australia)

Keith Basterfield reports on seven new Australian government UAP (UFO) files:

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UFO TV Show:
“Evidencia OVNI:
Testimonio de Suboficial de la Fuerza Aérea”
(“UFO Evidence:
Testimony of Air Force Non-Commissioned Officer”)
(Unknown Date) (Chilevisión (CHV), Santiago, Chile)

CHV presents the UFO testimony of former Chilean Air Force 
non-commissioned officer Ricardo Silva:

The TV programme (contains several UFO videos) is hosted by 
the Ecuadorian UFO researcher Jaime Rodriguez. 

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