Friday 25 March 2011

UFO Book:
“Secrets of the Mysterious Valley”

by Christopher O'Brien

A significant part of the book deals with UFO sightings and animal mutilations that have occurred in the San Luis Valley (Colorado and New Mexico) throughout the years:

The book was published by Adventures Unlimited Press (Kempton, Illinois) in 2007.

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UFO News Article:
“Did Snippy the Horse Lose Fight With Saucer in Colo.?”,
6 October 1967
(The Lewiston Daily Sun, Lewiston-Auburn, Maine)

The Lewiston Daily Sun reports on the mutilation of the horse, Snippy:,4394157

The incident occurred near Alamosa, South Central Colorado (San Luis Valley) in early September 1967.

The real name of the horse was Lady.

Quote from the article:
“Did Snippy, the horse come out second best in a tangle with a flying saucer?

Mr. and Mrs. Berle Lewis, owners of the 3-year-old Appaloosa, whose mutilated – and reportedly radioactive – carcass was found in a remote area of Southern Colorado’s San Luis Valley, declare firmly that’s what happened.”

Wkipedia article: “Cattle Mutilation (The Snippy (Lady) mutilation)”:

Map of Colorado
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UFO News Article:
“UK farmers blame UFOs for sheep mutilations”,
5 April 2010 (Digital Journal, Toronto, Canada)

This is an article regarding the research work of the Animal Pathology Field Unit (APFU):

There is a connection between sheep mutilations and UFO sightings in Shropshire County, according to APFU member Phil Hoyle.

The article also mentions the animal mutilation research work of the now defunct National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDS), a U.S. scientific research organisation that researched UFO and animal mutilation cases, among other things.

Phil Hoyle, member of the Animal Pathology Field Unit (APFU)
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