Wednesday 17 October 2012

UFO News Article:
“Top expert on UFOs will speak on Friday”,
30 March 1978 (Lodi News-Sentinel, California)

The Lodi News-Sentinel reports on a UFO lecture (upcoming) by 
Dr. J. Allen Hynek that was held at University of the Pacific on 
31 March 1978:

Hynek discussed his book, “The UFO Experience: A Scientific Inquiry.”

Quote from the article:
“Hynek, whose presentation will be illustrated with slides, will 
talk about the misconceptions, misinformation and unscientific 
approach to UFO study. He will discuss what is involved in a UFO 
experience and what is the nature of the intelligence behind this 

Dr. J. Allen Hynek, U.S. Astronomer, the U.S. Air Force's
Scientific Consultant on UFOs (1948-1969), UFO Author,
Lecturer & Researcher
UFO News Article:
“Can 10,000 UFO Sighters Be Wrong?”,
14 August 1966 (St. Petersburg Times, Florida)

The St. Petersburg Times reports on a 13 August 1966 luncheon 
of the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena 

The article contains an interview with Richard H. Hall (guest at the luncheon), NICAP’s assistant director.

Richard H. Hall at the NICAP headquarters in 1963
( photo)
UFO Article (Blog): 
“Eddie Bullards ‘The Myth and Mysteries of UFOs’ ”
by Kevin D. Randle, 16 October 2012
(A Different Perspective, Cedar Rapids, Iowa)

Kevin D. Randle presents a review of Thomas E. Bullard’s book:

The book was published by the University of Kansas Press on 
27 October 2010:

Thomas E. Bullard,
U.S. Folklorist, UFO Author &
( photo)

( image)