25 October 1991
(Antenne 2, France)
Source: ina.fr
Source: ina.fr
Video text:
“Un congres se tient en ce moment à Bruxelles, réunissant scientifiques
et militaires chargés de faire le point sur les observations mystérieuses d’OVNI
dans le ciel belge qui ont défrayé la chronique en 1989 et 1990, un programme
spécial de surveillance aérienne ayant d’ailleurs été mis en place à la suite
de ces phénomènes.”
English translation (by Google Translate):
“A congress is being held in Brussels ,
bringing together scientists and soldiers responsible for taking stock of the
mysterious UFO sightings in the Belgian sky which hit the headlines in 1989 and
1990, a
special aerial surveillance programme was moreover put in place as a result of
these phenomena.”
My comment:
In this TV report – Antenne 2 presents one of the most impressive UFO
videos ever recorded (in my opinion).
The UFO has three steady, white lights on the tips of the triangle and a
pulsating light in the centre.
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(Antenne 2/ina.fr image)
(Antenne 2/ina.fr image)
(Antenne 2/ina.fr image)