By Philippe Ailleris, 29 October 2014
(UAP Observations Reporting Scheme)
Quote from the article:
“1. Background
Similarly to other countries around the world, Italy
represents an historical rich country with respect of the number of UFO
observations and the different UFO researches undertaken. As a result of a wave
of UFO sightings in 1978 and some questions raised by members of the Italian
Parliament, the then Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti designated the Air Force
as the institutional Body to collect, verify and monitor the UFOs. As a result,
the Minister of Defense ordered a specific office within Air Staff Headquarters
to centralize all UFO data, and all armed forces were asked to forward their
data to this office. Nowadays, this activity is carried out by the General
Security Department of the Air Force. Anyone wishing to submit an event
pertaining to a UFO sighting can do this by using the specific questionnaires
available on the Air Force’ website. After the form has been submitted on line,
it will be delivered to the nearest “Carabinieri” station (the national military
police of Italy ,
policing both military and civilian populations). This will result in launching
an investigation for trying to identify the nature of the phenomena observed,
i.e. attempting to find an explanation in terms of human-made events and/or
natural phenomena. If necessary, this research will also involve the
participation of some other Italian competent bodies. Overall, such
investigation will aim at ensuring that there is no potential defense of
national security issue associated with the UFO sighting. If it is eventually
not possible to identify the nature of the phenomena, the event will be
classified as an observation of an Unidentified Flying Object. Obviously this
will not mean that an alien vehicle was flying above Italy , but simply will indicate
that it was not possible to identify the origin of the phenomena observed.”
Coat of Arms of the Italian Air Force
( image)