UFO Article:
“The legacy of Claudeir Covo to Ufology”

By Paulo R. Poian, 14 May 2012
(Revista UFO (Brazilian UFO Magazine), Campo Grande, Brazil)

The Brazilian engineer and UFO researcher Claudeir Covo is co-editor of the Brazilian UFO Magazine, president of the National Institute of Aerospace Phenomena Investigations (INFA), TV INFA and state representative of the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON):

(ufo.com.br image)

UFO News Article:
“Interview: Claudeir Covo”

By Alexandre Marcos Lourenço Barbosa
Year 2, No. 14, February 2008 
(Jornal O Lince, Aparecida, Brazil)

Claudeir Covo is a Brazilian engineer and UFO researcher:

Brazilian ufologists visited COMDABRA (Brazil’s Aerospace Defense Command) in Brasilia on 20 May 2005
(From left to right: Roberto Beck, Rafael Cury, Marco Petit,
A. J. Gevaerd, Fernando Ramalho and Claudeir Covo)
(rense.com photo)

UFO TV Reports/Documentary Film Excerpt:
Zimbabwe School UFO 1994

Source: savedfaves2 (YouTube channel)

The mass UFO sighting occurred at the Ariel School in Ruwa, Zimbabwe, on 16 September 1994:


John Mack interviews one of the witnesses
(youtube.com image)