Thursday, 27 June 2013

UFO News Article: 
UFO Sighted Over Lake Stanley Draper,
25 November 1975
(The National Insider, U.S.A.)
(Water UFO, Claymont, Delaware)

Mark Willis sighted a low flying, domed, disk shaped UFO over Lake Stanley Draper on 12 July 1973, during daytime, The National Insider informs:

Willis managed to take one photograph of the unknown object.

Lake Stanley Draper (man-made reservoir, 1963) is located just south of Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma.

Lake Stanley Draper, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
( photo)
UFO Press Release: 
“British UFO Document Release Designed to Deflect Public and Media Interest Says Former Ministry of Defence UFO Specialist”
(The UFO Chronicles, 27 June 2013)

The UFO Chronicles presents Robert L. Hastings’ 26 June 2013 
PR Newswire article:

The first part of the article reports about Nick Pope’s views on the recently released UK MoD UFO files.

Quote from the article:
“In reality, Pope says, ‘the UK’s Freedom of Information Act contains wide-ranging exemptions covering areas such as defense, security and intelligence’ and the newly-available documents had already been ‘judged to be unclassified’ before their release.”

Nick Pope, the former Head of the UK MoD's UFO Office
(1991-1994), UFO Author, Lecturer & Researcher