Monday, 11 February 2013

UFO News Article:
“Lights whizzing by Jamnagar refinery 
leave UFO rumours in their wake”,
9 February 2013 (Business Standard, New Delhi, India)

The Business Standard informs about the UFO incidents that occurred over the Jamnagar Refinery, Jamnagar, North-Western India on 24 January and 27 January 2013:

Jamnagar Refinery, Jamnagar, Gujarat, India
( photo)
UFO News Article (Blog):
A good move for NARCAP” 
by Billy Cox, 7 February 2013
(De Void, Sarasota Herald-Tribune, Florida)

Billy Cox reports on the latest news emanating from the National Aviation Reporting Center on Anomalous Phenomena:

Quote from the article:
“But last month, this most cautious affiliation of researchers 
announced its intentions to apply for nonprofit 501(c)3 status 
and take its mission to a broader audience.”

( image)