Saturday, 4 June 2011

UFO Interview:
Captain Mariano Mohaupt, Argentine Air Force,
28 May 2011 (CEFORA)

The Argentine UFO group, CEFORA interviews Mohaupt regarding the Argentine Air Force’s UFO commission, Comisión de Estudio de Fenómenos Aeroespaciales:

Mohaupt is the press spokesman of the Argentine Air Force.

UFO Article:
“Argentina’s X-Files”
by J. Antonio Huneeus
(, Tempe, Arizona)

This article is based on the article, “Argentina’s Military UFO Dossier,” published originally in the Japanese magazine, Borderline in 1997, according to Huneeus.

Part 1 (6 July 2010):

Part 2 (13 July 2010):

J. Antonio Huneeus is a Chilean-American science journalist and is considered one of the world's top UFO researchers.

Map of Argentina
( image)
UFO Video Report:
“Archivos E.D.O.V.N.I.: El OVNI de la Isla Decepcion”
(“E.D.O.V.N.I. Archives: The Deception Island UFO”)

This is a video report regarding the 3 July 1965 Deception Island UFO case, according to the video source:

Argentine Navy personnel of the naval detachments on Deception Island and Laurie Island (Orcadas Islands) in Antarctica sighted a UFO on 3 July 1965.

The video report is made by Dr. Luis Alberto Reinoso, director of the Argentine UFO group, EDOVNI.

I also reported on this UFO case on 18 January 2011:


The location of Deception Island, Antarctica
( image)
UFO News Article:
“Tandil, ciudad de ovnis? La Fuerza Aérea
investigará el fenómeno en varios puntos del país”
(“Tandil, a UFO city? The Air Force investigates the
phenomenon in several parts of the country”),
28 May 2011 (Diario de Tandil, Argentina)

Diario de Tandil reports on the work of the Argentine Air Force’s UFO commission, Comisión de Estudio de Fenómenos Aeroespaciales, and UFO sightings in Tandil, Buenos Aires Province:

English translation by Inexplicata:

Tandil, Argentina
( photo)
UFO News Article:
“Our ‘Roswell’ now one for the history books”,
4 June 2011 (The Sydney Morning Herald, Australia)

This is an article regarding the 6 April 1966 Westall Primary/High School, Melbourne mass UFO sighting:

One of the Westall UFO witnesses points to the spot where the UFO landed (Bill Chalker photo)