UFO TV News Reports:
Vague d'OVNIS du 5 novembre 1990
(UFO Wave of 5 November 1990),
6-11 November 1990 (French TV News Reports)
This is a compilation of 18 TV news reports regarding multiple French UFO sightings that occurred on 5 November 1990:
http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xdfguh_vague-d-ovnis-5-novembre-1990-1-3_tech (1)
http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xdfgol_vague-d-ovnis-5-novembre-1990-2-3_tech (2)
http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xdfgee_vague-d-ovnis-5-novembre-1990-3-3_tech (3)
UFO Report Chronology: “UFO Sightings in 1990”
This UFO blogspot presents UFO footage (videos) and descriptions of UFO footage found in TV broadcasts from around the world. Any UFO evidence recorded or obtained by a media company or government source will also be included here.
Thursday, 19 May 2011
UFO TV News Report:
“Belgique : 20 ans apres une vague d’OVNIs”
(“Belgium: 20 years after a UFO wave”)
(Unknown Date) (Tele Matin, France 2, Paris, France)
France 2 reports on the 1989-1990 Belgian UFO wave:
France 2 is a French national public TV channel.
Colonel Wilfried De Brouwer, Belgian Air Force, presents anomalous radar readings at a 1990 press conference
“Belgique : 20 ans apres une vague d’OVNIs”
(“Belgium: 20 years after a UFO wave”)
(Unknown Date) (Tele Matin, France 2, Paris, France)
France 2 reports on the 1989-1990 Belgian UFO wave:
France 2 is a French national public TV channel.
Colonel Wilfried De Brouwer, Belgian Air Force, presents anomalous radar readings at a 1990 press conference
(De Brouwer (retired in
1995) later became a Major General)
(youtube.com image)