Thursday, 3 March 2011

UFO News Article:
“U.K.’s real-life version of the ‘X-Files’ ”,
3 March 2011 (CBS News, New York City)

CBS News reports on the UK MoD UFO files that were released on 3 March 2011:

The article mentions the 18 January 1979 House of Lords UFO debate. This is the only full debate on UFOs in the history of the British Parliament.

The House of Lords Chamber, London, UK
( photo)
UK Government UFO Files (Ministry of Defence):
“Files released in March 2011”
(The National Archives, Kew, London, UK)

The files contain a wide range of UFO-related documents,
drawings, letters and parliamentary questions covering the
years 2000-2005, according to The National Archives:

The National Archives, Kew, London, UK
( photo)
UFO TV News Report:
UK MoD UFO Files Released,
3 March 2011 (BBC News America, London, UK)

BBC News America interviews UFO Magazine (U.S.) publisher
and editor Bill Birnes regarding the UK MoD UFO files that were
released on 3 March 2011:

UFO News Article:
“– Norsk og britisk marine hadde

UFO-kontakt under vinterøvelse”
(“– Norwegian and British navy had

UFO contact during winter exercise”),
3 March 2011 (TV 2, Bergen, Norway)

TV 2 reports on the UFO incident that occurred during a NATO naval exercise off the coast of Northern Norway between either
26 October to 6 November 1998 or 8 February to 3 March 1999:

The UFO was tracked on radar by a Royal Norwegian Navy ship, whose sailors were discussing it on their communications network.

Sailors on board HMS Manchester and other Royal Navy ships also sighted the UFO.

The late Lord Hill-Norton (Admiral of the Fleet and former Chief of the Defence Staff) investigated this UFO incident.

His investigations found that the ship’s log from 1 February 1999 to 13 February 1999 was missing.

“An unusually heavy wind had blown the log overboard while the ship was in port in Bodø,” William Bach, the then UK Minister of State for Defence Procurement, wrote in a letter to Lord Hill-Norton!

English translation:

The logo of the Royal Navy
( image)

The Coat of Arms of the Royal Norwegian Navy
( image)
UFO News Article & TV News Report:
Declassified military UFO reports in detail”,

3 March 2011
(British Forces News, British Forces Broadcasting Service (BFBS), Gerrards Cross, UK)

British Forces News reports on several of the most interesting UK MoD UFO files that were released on 3 March 2011:

A UFO incident occurred during a NATO naval exercise off Northern Norway between either 26 October to 6 November 1998 or 8 February to 3 March 1999, according to the article.

The UFO was tracked on radar by a Royal Norwegian Navy ship, whose sailors were discussing it on their communications network.

Men on board HMS Manchester and other Royal Navy ships sighted the UFO.

HMS Manchester, Royal Navy destroyer
( photo)
UFO TV News Report:
“UFO Secrets Revealed”,
3 March 2011 (ITN News, London, UK)

ITN News interviews Nick Pope regarding the UK MoD UFO files that were released on 3 March 2011:

Nick Pope, the former Head of the UK MoD's UFO Office
(1991-1994), UFO Author, Lecturer & Researcher