Monday, 13 September 2010

UFO News Article:
“More than 600 UFOs reported over China”,
28 August 1985 (Ottawa Citizen, Ontario, Canada)

Ottawa Citizen reports on a press release by the Xinhua News Agency:,3470565

Quote from the article:
“The sightings were reported at China’s first UFO Seminar, a five-day conference sponsored by the UFO Research Society which ended Tuesday in China’s northern coastal city of Dalian, Xinhua said.”

Dalian, China ( photo)
UFO News Article:
“Pilot Reports UFO”, 11 August 1985
(Orlando Sentinel, Florida)

An airline crew sighted a UFO over Inner Mongolia, China on
11 June 1985, according to the Orlando Sentinel:

Quote from the article:
“Capt. Wang Shuting's story: ‘The crew first spotted the walnut- sized yellow light, brighter than any star we had ever seen, as we were flying at a height of 32,800 feet above Inner Mongolia on the night of June 11.’ ”

Map of Inner Mongolia, China ( image)
UFO News Article:
“UFO witnessed in Baotou, Inner Mongolia”
13 September 2010 (People’s Daily Online, Beijing, China)

People’s Daily Online reports that a UFO was sighted west of Baotou, China on 11 September 2010, at 8:00 p.m.:

Baotou Airport officials directed several airplanes to land at neighbouring airports during the UFO incident.

Air traffic controllers at the Baotou Airport were informed about the appearance of the UFO by the Hohhot Air Traffic Management Bureau.

Baotou, China ( photo)