UFO TV Discussion Programme:
“OVNIs: Chile ha tomado en serio el fenomeno?”
(“UFOs: Has Chile taken the phenomenon seriously?”),
2008 (Red Television, Chile)
This is a TV discussion programme regarding UFO sightings in Chile.
General Ricardo Bermúdez, Chilean Air Force (Ret.) and Commander Colonel Ariel Sánchez Ríos, Uruguayan Air Force, the Head of CRIDOVNI, participate in the TV programme:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLg14Mfqj9c (1)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJTIx9aWaf8 (2)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ER4hB6LSW68 (3)
The TV programme includes several UFO videos (part 3).
General Ricardo Bermúdez, Chilean Air Force (Ret.) &
Director of CEFAA (openminds.tv) (openminds.tv photo)
Colonel Ariel Sánchez Ríos,
Uruguayan Air Force &
Chairman of CRIDOVNI
(crifat.org photo)
This UFO blogspot presents UFO footage (videos) and descriptions of UFO footage found in TV broadcasts from around the world. Any UFO evidence recorded or obtained by a media company or government source will also be included here.
Wednesday, 11 August 2010
UFO News Article:
“Dolmenes y ovnis” (“Dolmens and UFOs”),
8 August 2010 (El Mundo, Madrid, Spain)
Residents in the town of Valencia de Alcantara, the Caceres province, Spain have experienced many UFO incidents throughout the years, according to El Mundo:
English translation:
Valencia de Alcantara, Caceres, Spain
(panoramio.com photo)
“Dolmenes y ovnis” (“Dolmens and UFOs”),
8 August 2010 (El Mundo, Madrid, Spain)
Residents in the town of Valencia de Alcantara, the Caceres province, Spain have experienced many UFO incidents throughout the years, according to El Mundo:
English translation:
Valencia de Alcantara, Caceres, Spain
(panoramio.com photo)
UFO News Article:
“En Carhue dicen que observaron un OVNI”
(“People in Carhue say they saw a UFO”), 8 August 2010
(La Nueva Provincia, Bahia Blanca, Argentina)
Four women travelling from Santa Rosa to Carhue sighted a
UFO near the village of Miguel Riglos, La Pampa, Argentina on
3 August 2010, at around 10:00 p.m., according to the article:
English translation:
Possible UFO landing traces were found in a field in Miguel Riglos, La Pampa, Argentina in January 2007 (manticas.com photo)
“En Carhue dicen que observaron un OVNI”
(“People in Carhue say they saw a UFO”), 8 August 2010
(La Nueva Provincia, Bahia Blanca, Argentina)
Four women travelling from Santa Rosa to Carhue sighted a
UFO near the village of Miguel Riglos, La Pampa, Argentina on
3 August 2010, at around 10:00 p.m., according to the article:
English translation:
Possible UFO landing traces were found in a field in Miguel Riglos, La Pampa, Argentina in January 2007 (manticas.com photo)