Friday, 9 July 2010

UFO News Article:
“Flights diverted, delayed as UFO detected hovering”,
9 July 2010 (China Daily, Beijing, China)

Article on the UFO incident that occurred over Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport, Hangzhou, China on 7 July 2010, at around 9:00 p.m.:

China Daily is a state-run English language newspaper.

(China Daily photo)
UFO TV News Report:
“UFO Forces Hangzhou Airport to Shut Down”
(Unknown Date) (CCTV News)

On 7 July 2010 an unidentified flying object was spotted hovering in the sky above Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport, Hangzhou, China. The airport was shut down for one hour, according to CCTV News:

CCTV is China’s main state broadcaster.

Aerial view of Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport, Hangzhou, China (Koch und photo)
UFO TV News Report:
UFO Disrupts Air Traffic in East China,

7 July 2010 (Unknown TV channel)

A UFO disrupted air traffic over Hangzhou, China on Wednesday, 7 July 2010, at around 9:00 p.m., the municipal government said on 8 July:

UFO Documentary Film Trailer:
"SHOOT THEM DOWN - The Night They Were Here"

UFO documentary on the 1952 U.S. UFO wave:

The documentary is produced by U.S. UFO documentary film maker, author and researcher Frank C. Feschino, Jr.

UFO article: “Frank Feschino, Jr.”:

Frank C. Feschino, Jr.
( photo)