UFO Films:
Official U.S. Air Force & Navy Examination of the
Great Falls (Montana) and Tremonton (Utah) UFO Films
The Great Falls and Tremonton UFO films were recorded on
15 August 1950 and 2 July 1952, respectively.
This video shows the U.S. Military's official analyses of these famous UFO films:
NOTE: I also posted reports on 24 February 2009 and 20 April 2009 pertaining to these UFO films.
NICAP.org article: 'The Nicholas Mariana UFO Color Film,
Great Falls, Montana':
NICAP.org article: 'The Tremonton, Utah UFO Color Film'
(by U.S. Navy Warrant Officer Delbert C. Newhouse):
Freeze-frame from
the Great Falls UFO film
Freeze-frame from
the Tremonton UFO film